Monday, March 2, 2009

Health Sector China: A Video & Your Workgroups

Thanks to Angela Connelly for flagging this useful video about the current new health care plan in China. Angela noticed that the wife of the author of one of our books, Roberta Lipson, is one of the health care experts on the panel discussion.

I think you'll find the video useful, whether or not you are interested in health care, so give it a look. It contains mention of the new policy efforts by government, and even a bit on accreditation--a topic of interest to several of your colleagues. Give it a look!

Your Work Groups
Many of you have related interests so I'm working with Tusha and with Dr. Gallos to group you into affinity teams. These teams will meet together in China, with me, to discuss strategies for presenting a broad-based report to the group. This way, the report-outs will not be a collection of individual reports so much as they will be high-level reviews of what you all have learned, more generally, within the frame your group's theme. Watch for a trial grouping soon, along with a preliminary schedule for some informal meetings while in China.

You will recall Dr. Gallos' important instruction that applies to everyone: the China visit is primarily a way to get a taste of the culture, to experience first-hand some of the problems and delights in doing a bit of work in the Middle Kingdom. In all but a very few cases, we expect that most of your research work will be done here at home, in the library and on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. Good discussions on the challenges and exchange of insights on Healthcare reform in China. After watching the video, I left uncertain as to how the Chinese government is planning to spend 850 billion yuan to reform Healthcare in China? It will be interesting to watch how this government is going to address the challenges of doctors over prescribing medication (even more expensive ones to their patients) since they are incented to do so. What about ensuring consistency with standards and regulations across all healthcare facilities throughout different areas in China?

    There were several discussions about improving efficiency… I wonder how the healthcare professionals feel about using cutting-edge technologies and consumer-driven alternatives to lower costs, improve care, and streamline the process, benefiting companies, doctors, and patients. I was glad to see Roberta Lipson, CEO Chindex United Family Hospital, in this video since I will be visiting UFH in Shanghai location. I look forward to learning more about this topic during my visit in China.
