Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Revised Proposals: Thursday March 5th Deadline

There are plenty of great ideas out there for projects; all of them a great start. And all of them are more ambitious than they need to be, when you consider the short time we have together as a class and the short time we have on the ground in 中国。

What My Comments Suggest
I assigned a "thumbnail" score to the idea and the work plan, but please know that this is not a grade: just a way for me to keep track of how your project is progressing. Don't be dismayed or worried if you received a 5/5. That means you have an acceptable, even a good idea; it also means that you need to make some clarifications and some revisions.

When Revisions Are Due and What I Expect
I don't expect a wholesale re-write (except perhaps in one or two cases). Nearly all the topics are appropriate. What I would like to see is a one—or possibly two-page—revision in which you narrow down your topic and lay out, in bullet points if you like, what steps you plan to take to address your now more narrow problem or question.

If you have not received comments from me by Thursday of this week, please do let me know and I"ll re-send! Do not hesitate to write me at ken.paceth@gmail.com . I appreciate your requests for feedback and I nearly always get back to you within 48 hours, so don't be shy.

China Market Watch

Bloomberg reports that some very wealthy Chinese entrepreneurs are in hot water. The article is worth a read, especially if you are interested in transparency, the Chinese stock market, and the way that guanxi works.

Here is William Mellor's article.