Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Provinces and Administrative Regions of China

China is organized into 23 provinces (which of course include Taiwan), four autonomous regions, (Tibet, Xinjiang, Ningxia Hui, Inner Mongolia, and Guangxi Zhuang), and two Special Administrative Regions (Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR).

It pays to be familiar with the capitals of each province, the history of the two SARs, and each Autonomous Region. The Western, and Southwestern provinces are targeted in the present five-year plan for extensive development. These are the areas experiencing rapid urban growth. How many provincial capitals can you name? Can you name a few key characteristics of a few of them? Dig around in Wikepedia, and be ready to ask people in China where they are from and what their city is famous for.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Guanxi, Leadership, & Making Connections

Only by focusing on building relationships with your Chinese business partners will you achieve economic and cultural success in China. You have to develop real depth in your relationships. I believe this starts first by challenging your own assumptions and stepping outside your own frame of reference - and most of all listening. Listening leads to understanding and that leads to trust. --Ed Gilligan, Harvard Biz Weekly

Guanxi: Its the Relationship and More
Guanxi was among the words in our lexicon recently. As you are all trying to build new relationships in China, its time to unpack that word. It really is more than "relationship." Its about a particular kind of relationship.

Dr. Gallos shared a link to a short piece by Ed Gilligan yesterday that hints at the re-thinking we need to do when we consider the importance of relationships in business, in leadership, and in strategy. Reading the article left me wondering if we shouldn't apply the same ideas to all our business relationships and not just those in China.

Take the picture of Mr. Ming, above, who is showing his video camera to a group of rural middle school students from Sichuan Province. These are Yi kids from up in the highlands; our team was able to visit after two years of getting-to-know-you meetings, on and off, in Chengdu. Students of friends, colleagues of colleagues made the connections for us. And we'll be back--we aim to, and if we want our China practice to be sustainable we have to be back. That's because the guanxi we established in Sichuan runs all the way to Beijing and the National Academy of Social Sciences. Guanxi is no short-term networking meeting. It isn't speed-dating. Its a lot more than that.

So what about here in the USA? We need some re-thinking of what we mean by business relationships, and I think we should start using the word guanxi. Makes sense to me. Give the article a look!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Making Contacts in China & So Long for Now

Using Guanxi (关系)

Several folks have said they are worried about making connections in China. One way to lower anxiety (aside from Xanax) is to use your guanxi. (Once you are in China, everything from bulletin boards to chance meetings in restaurants and on the street are very productive ways for lao wai people to meet Chinese people--Chinese people are generally quite interested in what you are doing in China, especially if you step a few hundred yards off of the main tourist pathways). And often, just standing in front of a public bulletin board will arouse the question, "ni shi nali ren?" where are you from, and you can take it from there.

We know it as 'networking' but it is more than that, of course. As you engage with the required materials for that class, you'll get the idea. What better way to learn about guanxi than to begin building up your own? Here are some hints.

Friends of friends can help you. If you don't ask, you won't ever know who knows who in China. Ask and you shall receive, right? How often have you forgotten about a resource that's right under your nose? Ask around. You'll know someone who knows someone.

Check the bibliography in Plafker, and browse around on the websites here in this blog. They often point out names of people--authors, friends of authors, blog postings that mention this or that person of interest. Track them down. Get their phone number or their email address and holler at 'em. Don't be shy.

Connecting on the Web
Then there's Google, and the (better) Chinese variety, BaiDu. BaiDu allows you to search in English, and many Chinese websites (certainly not all of them, and that is a challenge) have English sections. The Internet is an interesting way to build some basic "reading" skills (I should say "decoding" rather than reading, since reading usually means speaking and saying what you see but decoding is more direct: moving from the symbol
首 页 directly to the idea of a home page--but I digress yet again). Here are some Chinese websites that may have resources for you. You can build a better list of your own using BaiDU. These sites all have some English on them: the search sites have been tested by entering "engineering services." Some older sites returned nothing at all, so I left them off this list.

AliBaba. For industrial (and service) outsourcing of all types, this is the biggest website in China and one of the most popular B2B websites in the world: AliBaba, From mandolins to engineering services, you'll find it here

Other Sites
The China Economic Information Network seems mainly to aggregate (and translate) economic news stories from Chinese publications. Worth a look (you'll need to find the link to the English section).

The State Council Information Office publishes a site called the
China Internet Information Center I've not used it before but like most Chinese sites, you'll find contact information for the agency that operates it, and even a phone number.

Health? Lets start with something that's very Chinese, the Institute of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine (IITCM), China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences(CACMS) China operates parallel medical regulatory and research bureaucracies, one for so-called traditional medicine, and one for so-called Western medicine. Physicians may be trained in both traditions and research in the efficacy of traditional medicine seems to be getting better and better. I'll blog about my visit to a Chinese hospital sometime (it was a traditional medicine hospital, and I got better, by the way).

Education? How about the Ministry of Education website:

Securities? Here's one that is mainly in Chinese: The China Securities Journal. But it has an English home-page. If you link to "e-papers" you will find a long listing of white papers, all listed in Chinese. If you mess about with google-translate, you may be able to pick out some things of interest. Then, you have to find a way to read these things. Are you getting the idea that it will be important to have some literacy skills here? At least, it helps to know how to translate little bits of text using the Internet, and you may need a helper who can translate text for you if you get serious about China.

Other stuff? The Chinese government's main portal is a great English-language resource. The links all seem to work and there is plenty in English for you to peruse. That's more than a start. That should keep you browsing for a while.

Check the other web resources which have already been listed
in this blog for a few newspapers and other resources that will help you start some connections in China.

Connecting in Person
Here is my own favorite. . . its the. . .no. Wait. This one is a proprietary learning that belongs to the Pacific Rim research and design firm that I manage, PacEth. We use this resource to meet and make friends with people in China for interviews, and it is too valuable for me to post it here. I'll talk about this one in class. Don't worry: it won't do you any good until you are actually on the ground in China. Stay tuned. I'll let you all in on these secret. Lets put it on Free Parking for now.

So Long, Saddle Pals
I'll be observing blog-silence for the next few weeks. You all have other work to do and there is plenty here to dig through and learn from. I will be in contact regarding your papers via email. I'll see you guys in early March!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Chinese Culture Vulture: Music and Film

String Quartet
Dr. Gallows writes to remind us about:

[The] Shanghai Strong Quartet concert on January 17 at the Folly: Those interested in attending can purchase discounted tickets at $15 a piece by calling the Friends of Chamber Music ticket office at 816-561-9999 and mentioning “UMKC” to receive the discount.

FYI, there will also be a free pre-concert reception, coincidently hosted by the UMKC Alumnae Association, in the Folly Theater’s Shareholders Room (go into the theater lobby and you’ll be directed to the reception) from 7-7:45 pm for ticket holders. The concert starts at 8:00 pm.

The artists will not be able to be at the reception, but they will be available after the concert to talk briefly and to sign autographs. Enjoy!

Another Film: This One Online!
While we are thinking and talking about generational change, why not spend a few minutes with another film, 立春, And the Spring Comes. Jo Yung, my colleague in Hong Kong, suggested it.

Its an evocative film; you'll get a real feeling for pre-economic growth days in China (though the time is contemporary, the small-town feeling seems pre-opening-up), a story of not fitting in, and trying to, from the director of Peacock who was also the cinematographer on Farewell My Concubine (for which he was nominated for an Academy Award for best cinematography).

A version with (usually legible) English subtitles is available for viewing on (and you should use a fast connection to do this). In your "spare time. . . ". . .

A Few Notes from Saturday, January 10

Review of Course Expectations
Stay tuned for options in getting copies of the two required DVDs, as it appears that there are several options, including NetFlicks, local DVD rental shops, and options for shared viewing in teams. Thanks to Tusha, the two required books should be available quite soon. We have a suggested way of grouping individuals into teams for the final presentation, but there may be some changes to this plan in during the next several weeks (see below).

Ask Smacker: Culture or Structure?
We watched an episode of, Long Johns and Cabbages. The questions it raised for the group included the problem of sorting out a cultural difference from a structural difference. A structural difference might be the availability and management of power and heat. A cultural difference might be something about how people act, what their practices are given a set of structural constraints.

So, what did Smacker do, back in the days when she lived in a courtyard house in a traditional neighborhood, a hutong (胡同)? They were supposed to start heating only after mid October, but if it was cold, they started heating sooner. Heat in those days was provided by small charcoal stoves (still present in Beijing, and still smokey!). Now, most people live in apartment buildings, often provided with heat from central neighborhood steam-plants--more "agency" (more individual wiggle-room) if you live in a hutong, one would think.

But what do people do if it gets cold and if the heat is not on? What would you do? Bundle up? Make sure you have on your long johns? Go out and buy a space-heater? The answer has implications for how we explain what people do, implications for energy use and management, and implications for how warm--or cold--you may be when you visit Beijing in the winter time.

Generations in China
Our primary interest is in contemporary China, so we are limiting our exploration to post-revolutionary China. We reviewed three generational categories,
• Children of the liberation
• Children of the cultural revolution
• Children of economic growth
and it was suggested that there is a third group, the children born in the past ten or fifteen years, who are often called the little emperors (see
Feeding China's little emperors: food, children, and social change/ edited by Jun Jing. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 2000.)

Consider how the experience of each group may be reshaping business practice, marketing, and public policy in China. What will remain the same? What will change?

Here's a link to a recent story about McDonald's in China, with plenty of implications for generational changes in eating practices. What are the business, marketing, and health implications, here?

Finding Affinity Groups for Team Presentations
We posted a 'mind map' of project themes, and made a first go at grouping those into related themes. Some of you have an idea of how you might already form teams, but be aware that you may be assigned to different groups in the future. The precise duration of your presentations may change a bit from what is indicated in the syllabus, and some of your groups may be re-formed and people reassigned a bit to make sure that your teams create the most synergy possible to help the whole group's learning and practical objectives. Please understand that team composition may change in the next month or two. Stay tuned.

Friday, January 9, 2009

A few notes from Friday Jan 9

Great meeting you all in class.

First, there were a lot of questions about guidance regarding proposals. We will cover some of that in class on Saturday 10 January and your best best for feedback is email through my gmail account (which I won't put here on the blog--its hidden up in the syllabus to avoid spam-spiders). I think the best trick is the oldest trick: ask your friends, find a network, use your guanxi, your 关系, your relationships. Find a friend of a friend of a friend; check the Internet, check at work, etc.

Map and observational exercise

So what the heck did you NOTICE about the map of China? (take NOTE of?) (Asterisks denote things that more than one group noticed, so the most salient things have more ***s)
*** Shared boundaries with a lot of countries

*** Mountain range splits the country

** China is LARGE, surrounding countries are small

** Close to the ocean is where people are
** Geographical diversity: west seems open, less population mtns & desert

** Lots of provinces (can you name four, right now?)

* Lot of opportunity (someone was reading into the map)

and my personal favorite
* China is shaped like a chicken

In each class, we'll post two things on the white board: Free Parking (issues we don't have time to discuss but that we may get to later, if you hound me enough. . . ) and Lexicon, important terms and concepts we'll often return to that may or may not be new to you.

Free Parking:

Chinese Business Hours


Guanxi 关系(pronounced guan-shee)
Zhongguo (middle kingdom, China, 中国) (pronounced chong guə)
Lao Wai (老外) ("old foreigner," a gringo, a non-Chinese person, not at all pejorative)
Culture(s): as a relational concept

On this last bit, the problematic and often uncritical use of the idea of culture, go to and find the article by Mike Agar called Culture: Can You Take It With You. Hardly required reading unless you dig the theory and are wondering what the heck is wrong with me when my face gets all grouchy looking when I hear the term tossed around (as people, me included, so often do!).

Language Resources: Updated

Melissa wrote:
Can you reccomend any language resources. A classmate and myself are interested in purchasing Rosetta Stone software.

Rosetta Stone?

Computer says "NO"

Rosetta stone is oversold, overpriced, overpromised. Others may disagree, but this is the opinion of an old linguist and language acquisition geek.

Here are THREE (plus one) other approaches for you:

I recommend instead the Routledge "colloquial" series. Make sure you get the Mandarin, not the Cantonese.

Here are two lovely FREE resources that will get you a quick start on the spoken language with free podcasts you can download to your MP3, your iPod, or your computer:

1. Chinese Pod

I thought they were the first to offer podcast lessons for free in Chinese: their offering is (as I said before)very, very good and for a small fee you get written materials as well. Their work is based on best practices in language acquisition--whole phrases, not single words as Rosetta Stone too often does. (I have since learned that Popup Chinese, noted below, appears to have been offering "free dictionary and audio materials" for a while before Chinese Pod began their service: see below.)

2. Popup Chinese
I had written that they were a "new entry in that field," but I was wrong! I got a gentle nudge from David Lancashire, the founder of Popup Chinese, who found my post through his Google Alert! (Anyone who thinks the web is unmoderated should take note--there is some self-correction on the Internet!). I wrote, incorrectly, that Popup Chinese "seems to have stolen the chinesepod model." This was an unkind turn of phrase. What I meant was, the models look somewhat the same, and as far as I knew, Chinese Pod had been around longer. Guess what. I was wrong (thank you, David, for pointing this out.).

Nevertheless, (and since I know David will read this post), it is certainly the case that the PopupChinese website offers downloadable lessons, and plenty more. However, the beginner will find the homepage a bit daunting. It talks about the HSK Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì (汉语水平考试), which more experienced Putonghua language learners know about, but which is completely opaque to beginners. (HSK is the official Mandarin langauge examination). The PopupChinese website may have more advanced learners in mind, and for my money, ChinesePod offers more clarity for the beginning language learner in their initial homepage. I've just begun exploring ChinesePod, I appreciate David's correction, and hope they'll signal the value (and originality) of their site and their tools to users who, like me, may not be aware of all they have to offer.

If you are really serious, and willing to spend a little time every day with book, paper, and pen, then I recommend Joel Bellassen and Zhang Pengpeng
A Key to Chinese Speech and Writing, Vol. I (Paperback)

IMHO they revolutionized Chinese language learning by going back to basics and recognizing the importance of the written form as a key to understanding both spoken and written language. They make a very convincing case, born out by millions of Chinese children over the centuries, that you really can not learn to read the language without writing it. Thus you get at the deep cultural (there's that word!) business that underlies Chinese thinking and acting in the world. Writing characteres is beautiful and fun. So this is really the greatest book ever, for a lao wai (老外) to really grasp the written form. Sadly, it has been nearly impossible to find the tapes that go with it, hence the suggestion that you may start with Routledge. . . though Bellassen and Zhang are my personal favorite.

Browse Borders for other phrase-book style learning aids that you can listen to in the car. There are plenty of good ones out there: make sure they are fairly new. A combination of a podcast with Bellassen would be a very strong choice; Routledge gives you a solid, if somewhat "traditional" audio/lingual approach with the audio tapes/CDs included

Happy language learning!

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Draft Syllabus, and Jo Yung's Comments

The draft syllabus is up (see the link to the right).

My colleague Jo Yung, a veteran of many research projects among middle-class, working-class, rural, and even upper-income Chinese people has offered some suggestions. They are so good that I reproduce them, here. I think there are some readings here that I'll offer up in class as we move ahead.

Jo is here, doing research with migrant workers. That's the young woman's bedroom--pretty simple living, right? But there's a big range of living styles in China. However, our little encounter will just scratch the surface. The syllabus is just such a surface-scratch.

It contains blocks that may be re-arranged a bit, but the course expectations, readings, and so on are set. Our first meeting will be a working lunch—and we have to stay on time to avoid conflicts with the instructors who will use the room before and after. See you there!

Jo Yung, anthropologist, Hong Kong, writes:


-The contemporary history (from 1912, the set up of Republic of China onwards) would be easier to understand, easier to articulate those (civil war, Cultural Revolution, Open Door Policy, etc.) with how China looks today.

-One thing could be interesting to learn, the etic and emic perspectives. I actually learned it from Ming. When it comes to Cultural Revolution, the whole period is always portrait as emotional, bloody, crazy, dramatic and cruel somehow. Yet, Ming gave me a film, Peacock, to watch and he said it was close to Chinese thoughts about Cultural Revolution – suppressed and quiet.

Peacock/ Kong Que (2005), directed by Gu Chang-wei.


Plot summary:

Family and kinship

-While 70% of the total population is still in the rural area, extended family still carries weight when we talk about family structure. When we did fieldwork in China, children are always taken care by their aunts and uncles. Our respondent, Faustina, from Dell project, always refers her elder cousin as 'sister'. She has close connection with that cousin as they are the only two persons in the family who left their hometown, Sichuan. They both work in Beijing. The close relationship in a family definitely gives mutual support to both girls. Another interesting thing is the psudo-family style, it's like you and your younger brother, Xiao Shang. The family network, be they in extended mode, quasi or psudo mode, they do have some pragmatic and utilitarianistic implications to some extent. And I think the 'family' network becomes more important as the in-migration is getting more common.

-If you want to talk about women in a family, it would be interesting, too. In a rural family, women's community is developed through their ties to their in-law families. While a girl is in their own family, she is supposed to be married out. She cannot inherit property or land in the family. When she is married, she is still a stranger, a new comer to her husband's family. She has to learn to be a good daughter-in-law from her mother-in-law. Her status is the lowest in her husband's family. Yet, her status and power changed when she gives birth to her first baby. If the baby is a boy, her status has automatically elevated just because she gave birth to a baby who can continue the blood of her husband and the family. And that girl's status can climb further when she herself becomes a mother-in-law. So, the children, especially, sons, are women's assets in a rural family. It is exactly this practice reinforces and stabilizes patriarchy in rural China.

Reading: Wolf, Margery, 1972. Uterine Families and Women's Community. In Women and the Family in Rural Taiwan. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

However, when we did the study on Migrant Workers, we learned that capitalism and globalization do help women in rural areas defer their conventional obligations. They went all the way from countryside to big cities like Beijing and Shanghai to work as factory workers when they finish junior high.

In the city, after the one-child policy in the early eighties, it changes not just demographic structure but also consumer market, social policies and education system related to that. I think Jing Jun's book on little emperors do reflect consequence of that one-child policy.

Reading: Feeding China's little emperors: food, children, and social change/ edited by Jun Jing. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 2000.

A lot of vehement debates on BBS/ newsgroups in China on one-child-policy can be seen after the earthquake in Sichuan. "死了就未了" (if the child dies, it's (the family) is over).


-Some interesting, residual socialistic mentalities can be found by questions like 'how much money do you make?', 'how much is your apartment?' even in first meeting. It was legitimate to ask in the past as everybody is working for the government or working in a Danwei. Everybody should earn pretty much the same. And everyone should not hold secret from each other, too.

-Middle class: it's interesting. I think we talked a lot about them. I have to read more to understand them and especially the impact of the middle class in China. But the Omnicom videos (Qi-ling from Sichuan and Wang-mi from Shanghai) well reflect the mentality of today's middle class.


-It's still the only path to climb the way up to the social ladder. That's why 新東方 (xīndōngfāng ) are still the cathedrals for most students preparing for public exams and who plan for studying abroad.


There are some interesting meanings in today's Chinese expressions that we have come across when doing fieldwork.

1. 沒辦法

2. 發展 (develop) – while the migrant workers working 12 hours a day in a factory, they still consider working in a city is a kind of 'development'.

3. 查資料 (search for information) – when we ask people what they do on the Internet, they always answer searching information although they are doing QQ, playing CS and reading BBS only!

4. Phatic communications over the phone calls with family

Globalization and China

How about food culture? While it seems China is embracing the global market, there is localization happening as well.

Reading: Golden arches east: McDonald's in East Asia/ Edited by James L. Watson. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 1997.


How about the example of Ikea? How middle class spends loads of money in renovating their houses?

Reading: Urban consumer culture by Deborah Davis, The China Quarterly, 2005

Friday, January 2, 2009

Cultural Geography of China: Three Gorges

Check out how mountainous this place is. Then look at precipitation and population, and you'll see that people don't live where the water is. As Mark Twain noted for the the American West, water in much of China is for fighting, and Wiskey (make that Baijiu, 白酒, or rice liquor) is for drinking. (Maps from U. Texas Library

One begins to understand that water, water pollution, flood control and emergency response, community resettlement and development, transportation, and even tourism in the context of the Three Gorges Dam along the Chang Jiang (长江 aka Yangtze in the west) presents enormous technical and management problems for China. The dam was born of an American engineer's dream.

Preventing the dream from creating a series of nightmares will depend on the sort of shared and global effort that is, in fact, forging new links between China and the rest of the world as we all wrestle with enormous environmental challenges—and opportunities, too. Channel 4 in the UK produced a short documentary on the dam. It is worth a look.

Meanwhile, Chinese cinema offers its own documentary and dramatic treatment of the human and environmental issues along the Yangtze. Still Life, the 2006 film by Jia Zhangke, is the most recent (and famously beautiful and troubling) example. The Chinese government is well aware of the issues—so much so that they have encouraged documentary filmmaking about this mega-project and its consequences.

The great western desert is encroaching on the urban centers of the northeast, partly due to formerly uncontrolled grazing in Inner Mongolia, partly due to climate change; massive tree-planting and land reclamation seem to be helping. But winter-time dust-storms in Beijing are famous for their breathtaking grit and intensity. Fresh water is a problem here as it has always been. The need for water control is as old as the Chinese state.

Recall that the worlds largest ancient canal in the world, the
Dà Yùnhé or Grand Canal, dates to the 5th century. Water control like the canal—and like the three gorges dam—became the seminal model for German historian (and one-time communist) Karl Whittfogel as he linked water control to the Marxist concept of an Asiatic Mode of Production. (In so doing, Whittfogel got himself drummed out of the first communist international—he later decided communism was not such a great idea; his book, Oriental Despotism is still considered historically and epistemologically suspect, as is the notion 'Asiatic Mode of Production', but that's another story.)

The point is that part of China is very dry and part of it is very wet. It is a country that runs on water—water for cities, for transportation, for agriculture—and a country that suffers every year from too much water in the wrong places at the wrong times. Floods kill a lot of people every year in China (though their emergency response to flooding is among the best in the world by some accounts).

So water control is always complex business: the people upstream can turn off the water on the people downstream (or flood the daylights out of them). That fact alone means that complex irrigation or water-control projects, when operated by complex state systems, does indeed go along with complex systems of power. In that respect, the Los Angeles Aqueduct in California is not much different than the Grand Canal. Born of the infelicitous combination of a dry geography and big, urban populations, both the Grand Canal and the California water systems have spawned political and hand-to-hand fighting as well as cinema like Chinatown and one of the recommended films for this class, Still Life.

Web Resources: Required & Suggested for Class

Internet Resources
Here is a handy list of clickable links to important websites. Required reading/viewing is listed first. Suggested links are presented next. (Click on the title, of course; the URL is provided for your reference).

Comments on these links are most welcome, as are additional suggested items that you come across in your browsing. Are there favorite links in your field of business related to China, for example? Share them, please, and remember that comments are an expected part of your course participation.

By the way, this page contains Chinese characters. If you see ??? marks or odd squares, please check your page viewing character encoding options and be sure they are set to read Unicode (I think!).

Required Internet Material
Barbosa, David. NYT Article on a Recent Patent Case

Bissky, Greg. Western-Chinese Business: Contracts, Cultural Difference

Boyunchiou. Chinese people and americans learn from each other

Charlie. Beijing Construction Workers: Life Off the Clock

Danwei. Hutong Chronicles: Zhang Jinqi.

Danwei. Interpreting the Wisdom of Hu Jintao.

Danwei. Star Architect Ma Yansong.

Desjeux, Dominique. Introducing Anthropology of Consumption: China (Downloadable or web-viewable pdf will be used for in-class lecture)

Government of
the People's Republic of China. 10 Features in the 11th Five Year Plan

Government of
the People's Republic of China. Key Points in the 11th Five Year Plan (with links)

Government of the People's Republic of China

Harris, Daniel P. China's New Patent Law Amendments

KNN Sport. Crazy English

Lowenberg, Anna Sophie. Lost in Translation

Lowenberg, Anna Sophie. Ask Smacker: Long Johns and Cabbage

Lowenberg, Anna Sophie. Ask Smacker: Chinese Characters & Bus Tickets

Lowenberg, Anna Sophie. Eat Me

Mines Luke and A. S. Lowenberg. Price Shock: Food Inflation in China

PacEth. Able to Fly (disability and airline travel in China)

Ross, Ben. 30 Days in a Chinese Barbershop.

Suggested Internet Materials
Anon. Writing Chinese Calligraphy with Style : How to Write Chinese Calligraphy: Echo

Anon. Chinese Characters & Writing Strokes : How to Write 1,2 & 3 in Chinese Calligraphy

BaiDu (Google with Chinese Characteristics)

China Business News Online for Non-Chinese Business Persons.

China Business Review Online

China Country Briefings.

China View (Xinhua)

Daily Hong Kong Business Newspaper.

English Language China Blogs

Hough, Joshua (何三合). Li Shu 隸書 Chinese calligraphy sample lesson #4: No two goose tails in one character 雁不雙飛 v=R8_FwXj4vCM&feature=PlayList&p=BF3A012C7B12B59D&index=3

Still Life (三峡好人 Three-Gorges Good People). Available without English subtitles
Note: this page is in Chinese. Look for the thumbnail images showing the film's title (
三峡好人) followed by the number 1-4 in the sequence (shown as 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, and 4-4). You have to look around. You'll find them.